Masters Class 2016 | Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração

Masters Class 2016

Dissertation: “Institutions in beef cattle and its influence on the advancement of soybeans in the gaucho campaign” PDF

Dissertation: “Prediction of Brazilian agricultural commodity prices in the futures market using artificial neural networks” PDF

Dissertation: “Critical success factors for incubators: an analysis of incubators installed in Rio Grande do Sul” PDF

Dissertation: “The organizational entrenchment and the entrepreneurial intention of the individual: a study with the startups and information technology companies of the state of Rio Grande do Sul”  PDF

Dissertation: “Household Profession: imposition or choice?” PDF

Dissertation: “Marketing of places as a promoter of territorial development: analysis of the viticultural and wine companies of the region of the gaucho campaign” PDF

Dissertation: “The financial management and its implication in the performance of the entrepreneurs business in the beauty sector of the city of Sant’Ana do Livramento-RS” PDF

Dissertation: “Possibilities for open innovation with the use of open government data in the Brazilian context” PDF

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