Social Insertion | Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração

Social Insertion

Social Insertion of PPGA/UNIPAMPA 

UNIPAMPA is a multicampi federal university, located in the West Frontier and Campanha regions of Rio Grande do Sul. Both regions have a territorial extension of 64,478.6 km2, an area greater than the state of Rio de Janeiro. This area, according to IBGE data, comprises 20 municipalities, with an approximate population of 730,807 inhabitants. The Masters in Administration at UNIPAMPA is the only stricto-sensu postgraduate course in this area of ​​knowledge within these regions, which demonstrates its relevance economic and social. In particular, because of the regions that present the lowest population growth rates and the lowest Human Development Index (HDI) in the state, according to data from SPGG-RS.

Therefore, our proposal for an academic master’s degree meets CAPES’ efforts to reduce asymmetries in the National Graduate System and to bring academia closer to society’s demands. Over the past four years, the PPGA/UNIPAMPA has been a source of professional qualification for technical and higher education, knowledge production, training of researchers and proposing actions for social inclusion in the region’s communities. Which expresses its economic and social relevance for the historically depressed region, fulfilling CAPES’ recent objective of boosting less developed areas.

In other words, one of the course’s main contributions to local and regional development is the training and qualification of people. The qualification that generates changes in habits, and consequently, economic and social transformation in the region. The PPGA’s commitment to the production of knowledge based on society’s problems is highlighted, highlighting the production of dissertations with regional and national empirical issues.

Also, one of the innovations in the PPGA  curriculum structure is the mandatory subject “Social Interaction Practices”, which aims to develop practices and products of interaction with society in the social, economic and social spheres and establish solutions to society’s demands based on extension and social innovation. This inclusion was an effort to curricularize the relevance and social inclusion of the program.

All this effort generated several interaction projects with the community, with the participation of PPGA professors and students, as well as students from UNIPAMPA’s undergraduate courses. From 2017 to 2020, 18 different extension projects were developed. Currently, the PPGA has the following social inclusion projects in progress:

– Guidebook for Fundraising for NGOs
– Practical basket: your virtual shopping list
– Shared Knowledge: scientific dissemination to the community
– Open Courses: there are no barriers to knowledge
– Keeping an Eye on the Fair: publicity and dissemination for Family Farming
– FAF – Family Farming Fair: Sharing Flavors and Multiplying Knowledge
– Study Group on Work, Organizations and People (GESTA) in Action!
– Digital Marketing and Social Media for Micro Entrepreneurs in Santana do Livramento
– Administrative Modernization of Municipal Public Agencies
– Observatory of the Use of Social Media in Policy
– Violence against Women: proposition of an awareness and denunciation channel