Study Group on Work, Organizations and People – GESTA | Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração

Study Group on Work, Organizations and People – GESTA

The GESTA – Study Group on Work, Organizations and People aims to generate and disseminate scientific knowledge about the world of work, focusing especially on the relationships between work, human behavior and management.

It seeks to develop interdisciplinary and intercultural works that enable the construction and appropriation of historical knowledge, the materialization of knowledge from the production of new knowledge and the participation and intervention in social processes. In this way, it works valuing the inseparability between teaching, research and extension, a fundamental principle in academic-scientific action and for the development of critical and active postures that, as far as possible, help workers, managers and organizations to move towards work contexts more human and socially fairer.

In order to fulfill these purposes, the GESTA is structured in four lines of research that are worked separately, or even articulated with each other. Are they:

  • People Management and Labor Relations in Contemporary;
  • Work and career;
  • Work, Diversity and Gender;
  • Work, Subjectivity and Symbolism in Organizations.

More information with the coordinator of the group., profa. Carolina Freddo Fleck ( and on the group’s pages on social media:

Facebook – @gestaunipampa

Instagram – @grupo.gesta