Students on Special Regime | Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração

Students on Special Regime

The call for selection of students under special regime for the 2nd Semester of 2021 is open.


The Graduate Program in Administration at UNIPAMPA, following its Rules of Procedure, will accept students in special enrollment regime to be selected in number and under criteria defined by the Coordinating Committee each semester. Enrollment in the Special Regime will not create any link between the student and the PPGA and students enrolled in that category are not considered Regular Students of the Course. A maximum of eight credits can be registered, and these subjects can be used if the student participates and is selected for the master’s course.

Each semester, the program will disclose the subjects of the course subject to acceptance for enrollment by non-regular students.

They may enter as students under a special enrollment regime:

I – Holders of higher education diplomas;

II – Academics regularly enrolled in postgraduate programs at UNIPAMPA or from other national or foreign HEIs;

III – Academics from UNIPAMPA undergraduate courses who have successfully completed at least seventy-five percent of the total workload of their undergraduate course, and with the recommendation of at least one permanent professor of the program.

It is also noteworthy that the student enrolled in the special regime does not qualify for certification, only a certificate signed by the Course Coordination is provided, where the subjects attended and their respective workloads are declared.