Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Farmacêuticas (PPGCF) | UNIPAMPA – Campus Uruguaiana

1. Presentation

The Post Graduate Program in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Master of Science level (MSPS-UNIPAMPA), was created and approved by resolution of the Federal University of Pampa in 2011. The MSPS-UNIPAMPA was approved starting in July 2012 by the Ministry of Education.

Graduates of the MSPS-UNIPAMPA master degree program emphasizes basic as well as applied research in natural products, medicinal and computational chemistry, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, pharmacogenomics, toxicology, development, analysis and control quality of raw materials, innovative pharmaceuticals and cosmetics, nanotechnology, immunology, and molecular biology.

The PPGCF of UNIPAMPA presents differential aspects in the development of its research activities in which are related to the study of raw materials and bioactive compounds from the Pampa Biome, Brazilian South, and its use for the development of pharmaceuticals, the study of human and veterinary drugs, medicines and cosmetics coming from MERCOSUR countries (Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Venezuela and Paraguay).

The main objectives are to provide students with a robust research focus, training and skills in the field of Pharmaceutical Sciences in order to prepare them for careers in academia, pharmaceutical area, or public/private research institutions, and promote actions that contribute to regional and national development.


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